Thursday, May 24, 2012

Been alittle quiet but...

the gardens are still growing... however its been slow... 

            I have a list of 7 to deliver to here in Baytown and not much to deliver. So the hunt is on... anyone with excess fruits or veggies please give me a ring or email and I will swing by and pick 'em up and deliver them to those in need in our community.  

            Also, if you are able to donate gift cards for any grocery store, I'm sure those on my list would appreciate that too, as they are all on a fixed income and you know how hard it is to stretch a dollar these days.

          If you or someone you know wants or needs on either the Delivery or Harvest list do drop me a email with their info and I'll get in touch with them immediately.

            I'm loving the Homesteading FB page... lots of cool ideas there...   look it up!

Happy Gardening, Beth

P.S. I can provide a receipt if needed for any donation

Monday, May 7, 2012