Sunday, February 19, 2012

Seasons Needs...

Gettin some Container Gardens ready....  we are in need of large planters, raised planters, bages of soil and seeds or starter plants... if you can help with any of this please give me a call, Beth @ 281 508 3040 or drop me an email @

Also if you'd like to help plant gardens, help make the rounds maintaining gardens, do get with me.

and as always, if you or someone you know would like on the deliver list or have a garden and want on the harvest list... give me a ring or email.

A big bag of Miricle Gro is about $10

19in Pot at Home Depot $19.98

34x24x24 at Home Depot $56.98
This looks like a fairly easy build for any of your crafty people... (hint) and would be great for thos to maintain that have a hard time getting to things ont he ground

Happy Gardening, Beth

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